Infomatics Solutions
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Associates of Cape Code
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Useful Documents
Useful Documents
ACC Newsletters
LAL_Vol.06_No.3.(The Problems with Plastics).pdf
LAL_Vol.09_No.2.June 1991-( Glitches with Glass).pdf
LAL_Vol.09_No.3.Sptember 1991-(Interim Guidance for Human and Veterinary Drug Products and Biologicals ).pdf
LAL_Vol.09_No.4.December 1991-(USP Changes and Proposed Changes to BET from the Pyrogen Test ).pdf
LAL_Vol.10_No.1.March 1992-(Factors Affecting the Recovery of Endotoxin).pdf
LAL_Vol.10_No.2.June 1992-(END-X B15_ New Endotoxin Removal Device Added to Product Line- USP Says ).pdf
LAL_Vol.10_No.3.September 1992-(Quanititation of Endotoxin using the LAL Kinetic Turbidimetric Assay in an Incubating Microplate Reader ).pdf
LAL_Vol.10_No.4.December 1992-(Supplement_ Changes from Pyrogen Test to BET Test ).pdf
LAL_Vol.11_No.1.March 1993-(Comparison of Various LAL Methods).pdf
LAL_Vol.11_No.2.May 1993- (85 Bacterial Endotoxins Test ).pdf
LAL_Vol.11_No.4.September 1993-(Endotoxin Standards and CSE Potency ).pdf
LAL_Vol.11_No.5.December 1993-(Depyrogenation).pdf
LAL_Vol.12_No.1.March 1994-(The History of LAL and Associates of Cape Cod,Inc.).pdf
LAL_Vol.12_No.2.June 1994- (Potency, Certificates of Analysis and International Standards).pdf
LAL_Vol.12_No.3.September 1994.(LAL-5000 Series 2 with Pyros Software ).pdf
LAL_Vol.12_No.4.December 1994-(USP Changes - Medical Devices Chapter - LAL Label Claim Sensitivity).pdf
LAL_Vol.13_No.2.June 1995- (Endotoxin Limits).pdf
LAL_Vol.13_No.3.September 1995-(A Wealth of Options_Choosing an LAL Test Method).pdf
LAL_Vol.13_No.4.December 1995- (Maximum Valid Dilution and Minimum Valid Concentration).pdf
LAL_Vol.14_No.1.March 1996-(Preliminary Testing).pdf
LAL_Vol.14_No.2.June 1996-(LAL_Discovery and Commercial Development).pdf
LAL_Vol.14_No.4.December 1996-(Inhibition or Enhancement Testing Part 1).pdf
LAL_Vol.15_No.1.March 1997-(Inhibition or Enhancement Testing Part 2 ).pdf
LAL_Vol.15_No.2.June 1997- (Routine Testing and Retests).pdf
LAL_Vol.15_No.3.September 1997-(International Regulation of the LAL Test).pdf
LAL_Vol.15_No.4.December 1997-(Harmonization of Endotoxin Standards).pdf
LAL_Vol.16_No.1.June 1998-(Diazo-Coupling with Pyrochrome).pdf
LAL_Vol.16_No.1.March 1998-(Significance of Endotoxin to Cell Culture and Biotechnology).pdf
LAL_Vol.16_No.3.Sptember 1998-(Endotoxin as a Component of the Bacterial Cell).pdf
LAL_Vol.16_No.4.December 1998-(The Standard Curve).pdf
LAL_Vol.17_No.1.(Selection of the Standard).pdf
LAL_Vol.17_No.2.(LAL Formulation and Environmental Endotoxin).pdf
LAL_Vol.18_No.1.(Pyros Kinetix).pdf
LAL_Vol.19_No.1.(Comparison of Glass and Plastic Microplates in Kinetic Assays).pdf
LAL_Vol.19_No.2.(New USP and EP Harmonized Endotoxins Test Chapters).pdf
LAL_Vol.20_No.1.(21 CFR Part 11 and Quality Assurance - What to Expect From Vendors).pdf
LAL_Vol.20_No.4.(Simple Statistics for the LAL User - Standard Deviation, Repeatability, Reproducability, and a Clarification of the Coefficient of Variation).pdf
LAL_Vol.20_No.5.(Endotoxin Determination with Endofluor Reagent and the PolarScan Reader - The Next Generation in Endotoxin Testing).pdf
LAL_Vol.22_No.3.(Interference with the LAL Test and How to Address It).pdf
LAL_Vol.23_No.1.(The Population Status of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus ).pdf
LAL_Vol.23_No.2.(Testing Blood Samples for Endotoxin).pdf
LAL_Vol.24_No.1.(Endotoxin Testing of Cellular and Tissue Based Therapies).pdf
LAL_Vol.24_No.2.(Pyros EQS Software).pdf
LAL_Vol.25_No.1.April 2009-(Implication for Low Capacity Test Systems).pdf
LAL_Vol.26_No.1.December 2010-(Revision to the Pharmacopeial Bacterial Endotoxins Test Chapters).pdf
LAL_Vol.27_No1.July 2011-(Withdrawal of FDA Guideline).pdf
LAL_Vol.28_No1-(The New FDA Quidance for Industry).pdf
LAL_Vol.29_No1-(Revision of the USP BET Chapter).pdf
LAL_Vol.30_No2-(Low Endotoxin recovery LER).pdf
ACC Newsletters
ACC Educational Content
ACC Certificate of Compliance
ACC Certificate of Analysis
USP Endotoxin Limits for Common Injectables
G. Pap
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